Five Ways to Make Mom Feel Special on Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day (May 11, 2014) is almost here — just over a week away! Dads, look no further if you’re searching for ways to help the kids make mom feel extra special on this very important day. Here are a few suggestions:
- Serve mom breakfast in bed: This may sound like a no-brainer, but it does take some preparation. Sit down with the kids the night before, come up with a menu and assign jobs; perhaps the youngest gets the place setting and serving tray ready, the middle child cuts the fruit, the oldest pours the coffee and dad scrambles the eggs. Be sure to set an alarm and wake up the kids way before mom opens her eyes so you have time to cook and serve the meal. And if you’re feeling extra ambitious, consider whipping up a Mother’s Day cake for later in the day!
- Have the kids make Mother’s Day gifts: There’s nothing a mother treasures more than a handmade gift, and lucky for you, there are plenty of fun arts and crafts projects to choose from. Whether it’s a simple Mother’s Day card made from construction paper, a finger-painting, sand art, a Mother’s Day poem or something else entirely, mom will love it. Let the kids be creative and come up with their own masterpiece, or do a simple Google search for Mother’s Day crafts. And don’t forget to take photos so mom can see what the process was like!
- Spend some time outdoors: Plan a hike, a bike ride or even just a walk around town and enjoy the (hopefully) pleasant weather. If you don’t feel like leaving home, sit outside and relax while the kids burn off some energy on the swing set or the trampoline.
- Clean, brighten up the house: If mom is the one who usually takes care of the laundry, the dishes, the vacuuming and other household cleaning, do it for her and give her a break on Mother’s Day! Don’t forget to leave some fresh flowers, either on the table, in a vase in the living room, or even outside, in the window boxes of the house or the storage shed.
- Pamper mom: If you’ve used some of these ideas in previous years, a gift certificate to mom’s favorite store, restaurant or nail salon will always do the trick!