Benefits of Your Swing Set (You Didn’t Realize Until Now)


Swing sets are good, old fashioned fun. What else can your children do that’s in the convenience of your backyard, can be enjoyed for hours on end and gives you and your kids the advantage of fresh air and zero guilt? While you may know that swing sets are a great addition to your backyard, what you may not know is how many benefits they offer! Here are some creative and usual advantages your swing set brings to your kids life.

It Boosts Their Self-Esteem

Sigh…how childhood has changed from when you were one. The biggest reason for this? There’s less and less opportunity for kids to act like kids. From academic to athletic pressures at school; peer pressure to cyber bullying, kids need a place that is safe, is assessable and can improve their self-esteem in one shot! That’s the beauty of swing sets. There’s no ‘downside’ or risk to having one (unlike so many other manufactured kids toys on the market) because with each slide, step or swing they engage in, they’re building confidence. They’re releasing anxiety. Best of all, they’re feeling good about themselves again.

It Allows Them to Improve Their Problem Solving Skills

Whether you have a five year old or a fifteen year old, children use any and every opportunity to learn. They learn about the world through what you say, and what you do. They learn how to act by how their friends act, or what’s suggested on TV. But invest in one of our Ultimate Swing Set Series, and they’ll learn, examine, assess, and come up with their own conclusions for swinging, sliding and playing their heart out! When you give them the gift of a swing set, you’re putting your mind at ease by knowing that their mind is sharpening and their body is strengthening. But to your kids, they’ll just think you’re the best parent there could ever be! It’s a win/win.

It Promotes an Active Lifestyle

When you were young, you didn’t have video games or the internet to keep your indoors. Sure, while that may make you sound a bit…old(!) this was a good thing. You had the advantage of fresh air and exercise (probably in excess!) whereas for kids now days, it’s much more of a challenge. The fact is, if your children aren’t being active, then chances are they’re ripping into a bag of potato chips and zoning out into a marathon of their favorite TV show. Ultimately, this sets a precedent for a sedentary life, not an engaging, interactive one.

Swing sets on the other hand, promote an active lifestyle.  It encourages a healthy outlet to release stress and excess energy—because let’s face it, when it comes to your growing children, you’re always on the lookout for a new way that they can release their pent up energy and enthusiasm!

Our swing sets are designed to allow your children to have good, old fashioned fun—the kind of fun you once had.  Check out our top of the line swing sets that aren’t just kid-approved, but meet your demands too! Start creating childhood memories today!

Want to learn more about our swing sets? Give us a call or click here